Apply for a Free IFS Coaching Session for Insomnia
When you're concerned about sleep, it can become all-consuming. IFS Coaching can help you…
Explore the subconscious neural wiring that is having an effect on your ability to sleep
Learn about how to make a lasting change in your nervous system to get better quality, deeper sleep
Hold compassionate space for parts of you that are very frustrated with sleep
In return for a free session, you’ll be asked to complete a short marketing research interview. I’m grateful for your support in improving my content and offers.
Hi, I’m Katie LaCelle
Leadership Coach & IFS Practitioner
And I work with all the high achievers, people pleasers, and caretakers who are feeling ready for a change, but don't know how to get there. After struggling with insomnia for my entire life, 2022 was the first year I no longer identified as an insomniac.
Let me show you how IFS can help you identify what’s standing between you and sleep so you can find ways to address it.
What to Expect During Your Free Coaching Session
Step 1
Complete the form to apply for a free coaching session. Free sessions are 30 minutes on Zoom: 15 minutes for the marketing research interview and 15 minutes of free coaching.
Step 2
During our meeting, I’ll first ask you my research questions about your sleep challenges. For the second 15 minutes, you can ask me anything you’d like about insomnia for IFS or experience a “mini session”.
Step 3
This call is NOT a sales pitch. At the end of the session, if you’d like to talk further about my services, we’ll schedule a follow-up discovery session specifically for that purpose.